I met first consulted Karina about weight loss some months ago. I knew that I couldn’t do it alone. I weighed a hefty 96kilos and was very unhappy and unhealthy. Karina took up the challenge. Every appointment that I had I was weighed, measured and mentored. Karina prepared for me a meal plan tailored to my likes and dislikes. Weeks turned into months and I continued to lose weight and I had so much more energy. It is the healthiest I have been for years. Karina’s program has helped me, which in turn helps my family. We are all eating healthier now. I still have a way to go but I will always be grateful for her program, her mentoring and especially her friendship.


Sally Kahn

Karina helped me immensely through my recovery. Through my hardest times she went above and beyond and took the time to help me and educate me on how to recover, and what a life outside an eating disorder could be like. She taught me the value and importance of nutrition and food, and made it a less scary thing for me. Karina’s support was ongoing, and I am nothing but grateful for her help during such a hard time in my life.


Nicole Faye Walker

Karina is a dedicated nutritionist who will guide you in becoming the best version of yourself. Her dedication and passion for healthy eating will mean you are in good hands.


Catherine Love